Trial Exhibits created from your Medical Records, Expert's Reports, Schematics, etc. have several advantages; 1) the records can be marked up by your expert; 2) the exhibits can be referred to over and over again (they don't go away when the projector is turned off); 3) they can be used at deliberations; and 4) they're cost-effective.
Medical Records are notoriously illegible. Although law firms are equipped to scan these documents for e-mailing, they often don't provide the best reproduction. When we pick up your documents we don’t just photocopy your originals onto large boards the way chain stores do, we work on the images to improve their clarity (where appropriate) to create more legible Trial Exhibits. E-mailed images get the same attention as hardcopy printouts.
All work is done in-house assuring confidentiality and safety of your evidence.